Well done! Sorry I can’t come to the events but I’ll be there in spirit. Once again can’t wait to read it

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Well done Nathen. Congratulations looking forward to seeing you in Southwark

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Nathen don't forget about the exhilarating and deliciously detailed romps between the enigmatic Princes of Wales and English Kings: John, Henry III, Edward Longshanks, and Edward II ( of Caernarfon)

Come for the dish on Owen Tudor and Catherine of Valois, stay for all the captivating details of the exciting Welsh Princes and their honorable seneschal's!!

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Congratulations Nathen, very well deserved. 14 years is a lot of hard work and it looks great. I hope you have solved one question I have, how did Katharine de Valois and Owen Tudor meet. I know he worked in or connected to her household and there must have been something about him to sweep a dowager Queen of her feet. I think he must have been rather dashing and I think their story was rather romantic as they knew that he risked prison due to an Act of Parliament which forbade ex Queens marrying during a minority without the consent of the royal Council. I find it amazing that they kept their marriage secret for what, eight years or so until Katharine died in 1439? I am not certain how many children they had but it was probably four, I think. That they then went on to be recognised by Henry vi as his true half brothers and ennobled makes their story even more impressive.

I am really looking forward to the Tudor family saga from it's inception. Much of this will be new history I know little about although I have visited their spot on Anglesey. Hoping to pop to Pembrokeshire in September. Anyway, good luck with all the signings. Congratulations yet again.


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Unfortunately. I live in the Channel Islands so I can't attend any of your book launches. However I woulsd dearly love to buy a book so can you tell me how I can do that. Many thanks and congratulations on completing this volume .

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